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Stand-Alone Machines
Alliance Winding Equipment, Inc. offers a line of lacers that include single end and double end lacing. There are variations to have a vertical of a horizontal laced stator and rotor. These machines are essential to the production so that the magnet wire in the end turn is held tightly through the resin impregnation process and the lead bundles are secure.

The lacing machines produce a diamond chain stich of polyester cord around the end turns and the lead wire bundles and ends with automatic knot tie. This provides excellent coverage and constant cord tension that is unmatched by hand stitching.

版权所有: 联盟自动化设备(苏州)有限公司 备案号:苏ICP备16047671号 技术支持:仕德伟科技 地址:江苏省苏州市吴中区兴吴路27号宏基工业园4号1楼